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The Uncanny
The Uncanny
The Uncanny is an attempt to look deeper at strange current events, ideas, and trends.
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The Decision II: LeBron James and the New Owners

“Who owns this body, this body of work?” asks David Shields in his great book, Body Politic: The Great American Sports Machine.

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The Meaning of LeBron James

There’s a photograph of a close friend and former student that has remained fixed in my mind: two young lads, teenagers, wearing LeBron James, Cleveland Cavalier’s game shirts, number 23, one red and one white, stand amidst the solemnity of the Walling Wall, or Kotel, located in…

Experts Debate Facts on PBS

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS4E-_-tCqg]

This is exactly what I’m talking about, what I blogged yesterday, below, and if you pay close attention you’ll note two things: (1) how much like the previous night’s debate this is, only under better…

The Chicago Teacher’s Strike: Solutions for a New World in Education

The Chicago Teachers’ Strike is a perfect storm without solutions: teachers are unhappy about stringent evaluation methods that rely solely on data, the Board of Education wants to determine the best qualified…